Minimum Degree Requirements: This program comprises of a minimum of 136 credit hours of coursework that includes 121 credits of required courses, a final year project of 6 credits and 9 credits of electives courses.

YEAR 1 – First Semester
Introduction to Computing CSIC 111 3 (2+3)
Programming Fundamentals CSPF 112 4 (3+3)
Applied Physics GSAP 113 4 (3+3)
English Composition & Comprehension HSLG 114 2 (2+0)
Calculus and Analytical Geometry MSCA 115 3 (3+0)
Islamic Studies HSIS 116 2 (2+0)
Total Credits 18
YEAR 1 – Second Semester
Linear Algebra MSLA 121 3 (3+0)
Pakistan Studies HSPS 122 2 (2+0)
Object Oriented Programming CSOP 123 4 (3+3)
Business Communication HSBC 124 2 (2+0)
Elements of Statistics and Probability MSES 125 3 (3+0)
Supporting Science Elective – I 3 (2+3)
Total Credits 17

YEAR 2 – First Semester
Discrete Structures MSDS 211 3 (3+0)
Digital Logic and Design CSDL 212 4 (3+3)
Data Structures and Algorithms CSDS 213 4 (3+3)
Software Engineering CSSE 214 4 (3+3)
Technical Report Writing HSTR 215 2 (2+0)
Total Credits 17

Course Title

Credit Hours

Contact Hrs
per semester

CSDC 236
CSDL 241
CSDS 252
MTLA 211
ESBE 102
Data & Computer Communication
Digital Logic and Design
Data Structures
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Electronic Devices



Total Credits



YEAR 2 – Second Semester
Software Development CSSD 221 4 (3+3)
Human Computer Interaction CSHC 222 3 (3+0)
Computer Communication & Networks CSCN 223 4 (3+3)
Numerical Analysis MSNA 224 3 (3+0)
Supporting Science Elective-II 3 (3+0)
Total Credits 17

YEAR 3 – First Semester
Assembly Language CSAL 311 4 (3+3)
Operating Systems CSSA 312 4 (3+3)
Database Design & Management CSDD 313 4 (3+3)
GE/University Elective – I 3 (3+0)
Supporting Science Elective-III 3 (3+0)
Total Credits 18

YEAR 3 – Second Semester
Design and Analysis of Algorithms CSDA 321 3 (3+0)
Theory of Automata and Formal Languages CSDA 322 3 (3+0)
Computer Architecture CSDA 323 3 (3+0)
CS Elective I 4 (3+3)
CS Elective II 4 (3+3)
Total Credits 17

YEAR 4 – First Semester
Compiler Construction CSCC 411 3 (3+0)
Artificial Intelligence CSAI 412 4 (3+3)
Professional Practice HSPP 413 2 (2+0)
GE/University Elective – II 3 (3+0)
CS Elective III 3 (3+0)
BSSE Project I CSCS 499A 2 (0+6)
Total Credits 17

YEAR 4 – Second Semester
GE/University Elective – III 2 (2+0)
CS Elective IV 3 (3+0)
CS Elective V 3 (3+0)
CS Elective VI 3 (3+0)
BSSE Project II CSCS 499B 4 (0+12)
Total Credits 15

CS Electives

Data Warehousing and Data Mining 4 (3+3)
Management Information Systems 3 (3+0)
Soft Computing 4 (3+3)
Machine Learning 4 (3+3)
Speech and Image Processing 4 (3+3)
Natural Language Processing 3 (3+0)
Computer Vision 3 (2+3)
Computer Graphics 4 (3+3)
Digital Image Processing 4 (3+3)
Multimedia System Design 3 (3+0)
Distributed Programming 4 (3+3)
Mobile Computing 3 (3+0)
Systems Programming 3 (2+3)
Software Project Management 3 (3+0)
Software Quality Assurance 3 (3+0)
Software Architecture and Design 4 (3+3)
Formal Methods in Software Engineering 3 (3+0)
Software Requirement Engineering 3 (3+0)
Software Testing 3 (3+0)
Cryptography and Data Security 3 (3+0)
Multimedia Information Networking 3 (3+0)
Network Management & Security 3 (2+3)
Mobile and Wireless Communication 3 (3+0)
Applied Software Security 4 (3+3)
CCNA Certification Track 3 (2+3)
Internship 3 (0+3)
System Analysis and Design 3 (3+0)
Digital Signal Processing 3 (2+3)
Internet Programming & Web Development 4 (3+3)
Computer Graphics 4 (3+3)
Visual Programming 4 (3+3)
Information System Audit 3 (3+0)
Business Process Automation 3 (3+0)
Real-time systems 3 (3+0)
Data Warehousing and Data Mining 3 (3+0)
Microprocessor Interfacing 3 (3+0)
Programming Languages Concepts 3 (3+0)
Telecommunication Systems 3 (3+0)
Signals and Systems 4 (3+3)