Course Registration


The credit hours, assigned to a theory, laboratory or clinical course, are determined by the class hours allocated to them per week throughout the semester. For a theory course one credit is equivalent to one lecture hour, or three contact hours for the laboratory or clinical session per week.


Students are evaluated by take-home assignments, oral tests, quizzes, classroom presentations, laboratory reports, case studies, mid-semester and end-semester examinations. Students are expected to maintain at least 80% attendance. Those who fail to keep up the required attendance may not be allowed to take the examination.


Students are required to maintain a full time enrolment. The classes for all programs are held in the morning and afternoon sessions. However, arrangements can be made for in-service candidates to enroll, in selected programs of study, in the evening and the weekend classes, provided that there are enough candidates registered for a particular program.

Verification: Students have to furnish the Admission Office original documents (mark sheets and certificates) issued by the Boards of Education / Universities, for verification of the exact spelling of their names and assignment of a permanent enrollment number by the University.


If students interrupt their study programs for longer than one semester, then upon their return, all the credits already earned by them are evaluated by the concerned Dean to determine their relevance to the changes in the curriculum, if any. They may be required to revise their degree plans to ensure conformity with the latest version of the curriculum. A student who interrupts his/her program for more than 4 semesters, with or without permission, is debarred from the program. He/she can register afresh in a program of his/her choice.


Students may withdraw from one or more courses with the approval of their advisors and the head of the department, during the third to sixth week of a semester. In such situations, a W grade appears on their Provisional Grade Report (PGR), which is issued to the students at the end of semester examination. Any withdrawal after the sixth week entails the award of an F grade.


Students may drop and/or add courses, within specified credit limits, only during the first two weeks of a semester. No such activity is permissible beyond this time.


A student can improve his/her grades by reappearing or repeating the courses under the following conditions:

Reappearing in Courses: A student may improve his/her grade of C- or a lower grade in the Bachelor and B- or a lower grade in the Master program by reappearing in the course once only. In this situation, the class work and attendance are not counted towards the course grade, and the course grade comprises 40% of the mid semester and 60% of the end of semester examination grades. Furthermore, a student is credited with the grade he/she obtained in the latter examination that he/she reappeared in, even if it is lower than the grade he/she got in the regular examination. A student is required to pay a non-refundable examination fee for this purpose.

Repetition of Courses: A student who fails in a course in which he/she reappeared in, can “repeat” it any number of times.

The class work, attendance, and mid-semester and end-of semester grades contribute to the final grade in the subject. A student may register a maximum of 12 credits of the courses he/she is repeating, and remaining credits of new courses within the upper limits in a semester. A student is required to pay a non-refundable examination fee and semester fee to repeat the course(s).

Credit Registration Limits: Undergraduate students must register for a minimum of 9 credits hours and a maximum of 21 credit hours of courses in a semester, for a three year bachelor’s degree program (old students), and a maximum of 18 credit hours for a four year degree program (new students).

Master, M Phil and Ph D students may register a minimum of 9 credit hours and a maximum of 15 credit hours of courses.

For programs in which course curricula are regulated by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PM&DC), Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) and Pakistan Physical Therapy Council, credit registration limits may vary.

Extension of Maximum Tenure: The academic tenure of a student, in case he/she takes semester break(s), can be extended by not more than three years in the case of a bachelor’s and two years in a master’s program.

The extension of tenure in case of M. Phil student is 3 years, and Ph. D 4 years.

Admission Retention Fee: In case a student takes a semester break he/she is required to pay Admission Retention Fee (ARF) amounting to 10 % of the tuition fee for each semester that he/she takes a break with the permission of the Controller of Examinations, and 40 % for a semester that he/she took break without a formal permission.

Leftover Courses: A student who has completed the normal tenure of a degree program may register for the left over courses in the following semester. He/she may either pay the semester fee and register a minimum of 9 credits to be a regular student, or in special conditions register for less than 9 credits, with the permission of the Dean, and pay the required fee per credit.
