World Health Day Organized at Isra University

The Department of Community Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine and Allied Medical sciences, organized the World Health Day Program on 7th April on the theme of Food Safety: “From farm to plate” in an effort to promote healthy and safe food.

Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Baloch, the worthy Vice Chancellor Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering and Technology (QUEST), Nawabshah was the Chief Guest and the Pro. Vice Chancellor of Isra University, Dr A.G. Kazi was the Guest of Honour. Prof. Mehtab Karim,who is the Professor of Research at George Mason University, USA, was also invited. Prof. Mehtab Karimhighlighted some of the problems of the Muslim world and suggested that population growth and reproductive health issues need to be given priority to ensure food security and food safety. Dr Naveed Kazi welcomed the guests. Dr Nudrat Zeba Shaikh, Dr Suhail Bijarani, Dr Sajjad Kazi, Dr Wasif Jamil Shaikh and Dr Imdad Jalbani also participated in the proceedings. The panel of judges included Professor Afroz Qazi, Professor Mumtaz Qureshi, Professor Sattar Memon and Mr Murad Memon.

World Health day started with a walk from Academic Block to the Asadullah Kazi auditorium. Fourteen3rd year MBBS students spoke on different topics such as Food and water borne diseases, Genetically Modified crops, Junk food, Soft drinks, Fast food, Vitamin A and Vitamin C deficiencies diseases like Night blindness and scurvy and broiler chicken versus country chicken.The Speaker and the Chief Guest, Prof. Abdul Karim Baloch, appreciated the students’ contribution for World Health Day through poster and power point presentation.While the first prize was won by 3rd year MBBS student, Miss Zehra Fatima who talked on the topic of Obesity and Diabetes, Miss Karishma Kumari won the first prize for Poster presentation on the topic of Malnutrition and balanced diet.

Dr Shams Solangi presented Isra Hospital data of 700 patients, registered from March till the start of April, showing that 100 patients had nutritional diseases like Food Allergy, Diabetes, Anaemia, Diarrhoea, and Difficulty in swallowing, Oedema and other hygienic and contaminated food diseases were seen in the patients. It was told by experts that each year more than 200 diseases and 2 million deaths occur due to lack of food safety in the World. Dr A.G. Kazi Pro-Vice Chancellor said that I am impressed by students’ poster and PowerPoint presentations, however, the actual impact of food safety awareness will take place when students and doctors will move in villages and community settlements.

Prof. Hussain Bux kolachi, Chairman Community Medicine, told that nowadays camel milk is being sold all over the Hyderabad city with claims that the camel milk will cure every disease. But unhygienic practices of milking the female camel would lead to an increased burden of bacterial and viral diseases instead of reducing it. Prof. Hussain Bux kolachi also advised the doctors of Isra University to offer their services in Thar, where malnutrition in children is reported in the media. The comparing of the program was done by Miss. Aida Nasr khan & Miss. Zara Thahir.
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