Papers Published by FM&AMS

Title of Paper Name of Author #1 Name of Author #2 Name of Author #3 Name of Journal Vol. Month Year Page #
Identification of Bacteria from Human Oral Microflora having Azoreductase Activity. Dr. Zahid Iqbal Isra Medical Journal Vol-III, Issue-II May-August 2011
Biodisposition of isoniazid after oral administration in teddy goats. Dr. Zahid Iqbal Isra Medical Journal Vol-III, Issue-I Jan-April 2011
Effect of combination therapy of Nigella sativa and Trigonela foenum graecum on body mass index in type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients Dr. Ashfaque Rahim Memon Abdul Raheem Memon Isra Medical Journal Vol-II, Issue-I Jan-April 2010
Plastibell circumcision: a minor procedure of major importance Abdul Samad Tariq Wahab Khanzada, Basant Kumar J Pediatr Urol 2010 28-31
Presentation of Histological types and common sites of oral cancer in lower Sindh Usha Isaac JLUMHS 8 Dec 2009 210-13
Do the instructions to authors of Pakistani medical journals convey adequate guidance for authorship criteria? Abdul Samad Tariq Wahab Khanzada, Ali Akbar Siddiqui Pak J Medical Science 2009 879-882
Out come of Lichtenstein hernioplasty: a multicenter study Nausheen Saeed Tariq Wahab Khanzada, Abdul Samad Rawal Medical Journal 2009 135-137
Effect of combination of nigella sative and trigonella foenum-graecum with Glibenclamide on Serum Triglyceride, HDL and Creatinine Levels in Type-2 Diebetes Mellitus patients Ashfaque Rahim Shaheen Shah Abdul Rahim Isra Medical Journal 2009
Thyroid Scintigraphy: An Overused Investigation Tariq Wahab Khanzada Waseem Memon Basant Kumar, Abdul Samad Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences Jan-Jun 2009 39-41
Frequency for cholelithiasis. Lohano D. Laghari MH Memon RA, Khawaja MA. Kumar B & Memon A. Isra Medical Journal 2009 13-18
Effect of smoking on blood pressure of inhabitants of Hyderabad vicinity. Mahesar H Mahesar SM Khand FD, Khand AA, Seehar GM Sindh Univ. Res. Journal (sci – ser) 2009 25-30
Histopathological pattern of diagnosis in patients undergoing thyroid operations Champa Sushel Tariq Wahab Khanzada Imrana Zulfiqar Rawal Medical Journal Jan-Jun 2009 14-16
4. Abdul Samad
Incisional Hernia Repair With Polypropylene Mesh. Waseem Memon Tarique Wahab Khanzada Abdul Samad JPMI Apr-Jun 2009 159-163
4. Basant Kumar Jan-Apr 2009 19-22
Spectrum of Benign Breast Diseases Tariq Wahab Khanzada, Abdul Samad, Champa Sushel Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Apr-Jun 2009 265-268
Efficacy of combination of Nigella sative and trigonella foenum-graecum with Glibenclamide in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patients, showing inadequate control with Glibenclamide alone Ashfaque Rahim Shaheen Shah Abdul Rahim
Fatehuddin Khand
Imran Ali Shaikh
Imdad Ali Khushk
Effect of combination of nigella sative and trigonella foenum-graecum seeds with glibenclamide on blood sugar levels in type-2 diabetes mellitus patients Ashfaque Rahim Shaheen Shah Abdul Rahim JCPSP 2008
A study on hepatic dysfunction during dots therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis Mehboob Ahmed Wagan Shaheen Shah Ghulam Nabi Khokhar Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology 25 No.2 Jul 2008 7 – 12
Abdul Rahim Memon
Association of tea and other addictive substances with gallstone disease in southern Sindh, Pakistan Naseem Aslam Channa Fatehuddin Khand Abdul Rahim Memon Pak Armed Forces Med. J 4 2008 363-371
Current Preoperative management of elective Tahir Yasin Khan Tarique Wahab Khnazada J.B.O Mahony, K. Mealy Rawal Medical Journal 33 No.1 Jan-June 2008 81-84
Association of tea and other addictive substances with gallstone disease in southern Sindh, Pakistan . Channa NA, Khand FD Memon AR, Memon AN Pak Armed Forces Med.. J. 4 2008 363-371
Analysis of human gallstones by FTIR. Channa NA, Khand FD Bhangar MI The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 12 (3) 2008 552-560
Comparative study of sodium and potassium in different types of gallstones in serum of subjects with gallstones and controls. Channa NA Khand FD Ganghro AB, Mahessar H, Soomro AM. Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem, 9 (1) 2008 38-42
Hodgkins Lymphoma in Cervical Lymphadenopathy Waseem Memon Abdul Samad Gul Muhammad Shaikh 24, No.1 Jan-Mar 2008 118-121
Indication and complication of tube thoracostomy performed by general surgeons Tariq Wahab Khanzada Abdul Samad Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (Centre) 58, No.1 Jan 2008 39-40
Cost Effectiveness of Topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Versus Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy for Chronic Anal Fissure Abdul Samad Tariq Wahab Khanzada Champa Sushel JPMI, Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute 21 No. 1 Jan-Mar 2007 16-17
Temporary Loop Ileostomy: Prospective Study of Indications and Complications Akram Rajput Abdul Samad Tariq Wahab Khanzada RMJ, Rawal Medical Journal 32, No. 2 July-Dec 2007 160-163
Gloves for Clinical Examination: Current Practice Abdul Samad Dr. Gulzar Saeed Ahmed Dr. Ali Akbar Siddiqui and Dr. Champa Sushel JPOA, The Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association 19, No. 2 Aug 2007 101-107
Causes of major lower Extremity Amputations Dr. T.W. Khanzada Dr. Gulzar Saeed Ahmed Dr. A. Samad and Dr. Champa Sushel JPOA, The Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association 19, No. 2 Aug 2007 62-68
Chronic Anal Fissures; topical Glyceryl Trinitrate Versus Lateral internal Sphincterotomy. Tariq Wahab Khanzada Abdul Samad The Professional Medical Journal 14, No 02 Apr,May,Jun 2007
Etiological Spectrum of Dynamic Intestinal obstruction Tariq Wahab Khanzada Abdul Samad Champa Sushel GJMS, Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences 05, No.2 July-Dec 2007 59-61
Recurrence after Excision and Primary Closure of Pilonidal Sinus Tariq Wahab Khanzada Abdul Samad Pakistan Journal for Medical Sciences 23, No. 3 2007 375-379
Predictive value of Modified Severity Index For Fournier’s Gangrene Abdul Samad JLUMHS 06, no. 01 Jan-Apr 2007 16
Chronic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Results Of Carpal Tunnel Release Gulzar Saeed Ahmed JLUMHS Jan-Apr 2007 21
Abuse of Plain Abdominal Radiograph Tariq Wahab khanzada, Abdul Samad Rawal Medical Journal 32, No. 1 Jan–Jun 2007 48-50
Gastric Outlet Observation: Change in Etiology Abdul Samad Tariq Wahab Khanzada Imran Shoukat Pakistan Journal of Surgery 23 Jan 2007 29-32
Incidence of H. Pylori Antibodies in Patients with Non Ulcer Dyspepsia admitted in People’s Medical College Hospital, Nawabshah I Shaikh RA Memon ID Ujjan Annals 12 No.3 Jul–Sep 2006 384
AR Memon
AR Butt
M Farooq