Inter Orphanage Education Gala 2014

“There are many platforms for the youth to showcase their skills but when it comes to the orphans there was never a place for them to tell what they are capable off.” On 15th of October 2014, Isra Social Welfare Society organized the first ever Inter Orphanage in the nation by the name of Inter Orphanage Educational Gala, which was comprising of 5 creative competitions including; Qirat Competition, Arts Competition, Quiz Competition, Speech Competition and Tablo Performance Competition. These competitions were held between the 80 orphans from 2 different orphanages from the cities of Hyderabad, Jamshoro and Tando Jam. The orphan kids participated in all of the competitions and were appreciated highly by the huge crowd present to witness their performance. Later the kids were also served with lunch and attractive gifts, whereas the winners of the competitions were awarded hugely by the trophies along with the educational children laptops.

On this moment the chancellor of Isra University and also the chief guest Prof. Dr. Asadullah Kazi addressed the crowd where he appreciated the cause of promoting the orphans and focusing on the skill development among them. He also added that Isra University will always be playing a vital role to support such causes and serving humanity. On the other hand, the Pro Vice Chancellor and also the Patron-in-chief of ISWS Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi addressed the crowd and motivated them to actively participate in such humanitarian causes and also appreciated the team for organizing such an event for the first time ever in the nation. Other office bearers also addressed the crowd including the patron Sehrish Abrejo, President Muazam Memon and the vice president Ebbad Qureshi
