Papers Published by FCE&MS and FES&T

Papers Presented and Published at International Conferences by the Faculty Members

Sr # Name of Author Title of Paper Name of International Conference Name of Place /  Host Country Date Duration
1 Sobia Baloch, Shabina Shaikh Employees’ Perception about Organizational Change: An Effective or Ineffective Step 8th National Research Conference SZABIST, Islamabad January 29, 2009
2 Dr. Asadulah Shah, Shabina Shaikh, Sobia Baloch Knowledge Management Awareness and Usage in Banking Sector of Pakistan 8th National Research Conference SZABIST, Islamabad January 29, 2009
3 Lubna L. Chowdhary Comparison of Project Management Methodologies Focusing on Quality & Risk Issues 4th International Conference on software and data Technologies
(ICSOFT 2009)
26-29 January, 2009
4 Shabina Shaikh Knowledge Audit of Foreign banking Sector in Sindh International Conference on Sindh Progress and Prospects: Session 2006-2009 Shereton, Karachi August 11, 2008
5 Faheem Qamar A Study of the Performance of trained and untrained teachers in Government Schools of Rural Areas of Sindh Province 3rd National Conference on Education Faculty of Education, University of Sindh Elsa Kazi Campus 26th  – 27th November 2008
6 Faheem Qamar Multilingual Online Examination System 2nd Shaikh Ayaz International Conference on Language and Literature Faculty of Arts, University of Sindh 07th –  10th November 2008
7 Z .A Channar,  Muhammad Ayoob Shaikh, A. Shah Solar energy: an ingredient for economical, and social development of Pakistan Eleventh national conference on Management, Computer and Social Sciences & Economics SZABIST  Karachi May 10, 2008 1 Day
8 Rashid Ahmed Qureshi The issue of intensions and legal loopholes in Islamic Banking 12th National Research Conference SZABIST Karachi Karachi 20. 12. 2008 1 Day
9 Sumbul Khawaja, Asadullah Shah, Kamran Khowaja, Prof. Muhammad Iqbal Bhatti A Compression Protype for Urdu Digital Library International Research Conference Pakistan Academy of Sciences & University of South Asia, Holiday inn (Blossom Hall) 27th & 28th, October2008 2 Days
10 Kazi, H., Haddawy, P., Suebnukarn, S. Expanding the Plausible Solution Space for Robustness in an Intelligent Tutoring System Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008 Montreal, Canada. 2008
11 Razia Nisar Noorani, Asma Ansari, Kamran Khawaja, Shamsul arfin Laghari, Asadullah Shah Analysis of MANET routing protocols under TCP VEGAS with mobility considerations. International Multiple conference IMTIC ‘08 Mehran university of Engineering and Technology Pakistan 11-12, April 2008 2 Days
12 Sana Rajar, Shabina Shaikh The Challenges of globalization and the role of Human resources CICM 2007-8 COMSATS International Conference on Management, Management for humanity and Prosperity Pearl Continental Hotel, the Mall, Lahore; Pakistan January 02-03, 2008
13 Shabina Shaikh, Sana Rajar, Asadullah Shah Challenges for Disaster Management: Role of Communication and Information Systems CICM 2007-8 COMSATS International Conference on Management, Management for humanity and Prosperity Pearl Continental Hotel, the Mall, Lahore; Pakistan January 02-03, 2008
14 Quratul-ain Mahesar, Prof. Dr. Asadullah Shah Securing XML Web Services by using a Proxy Web Service Model CISSE 2007 Proceedings Books University of Bridgeport CT, USA 2008
15. Sehrish Abrejo, Asadullah Shah, Kamran Khowaja, Asma Ansari Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols using Scenario Based Mobility Models Proceedings First International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication 2007 November 12-13, 2007 2 Days
16. Jan M. Memon, Asma Khan, Ambar Baig, Asadullah Shah A Study of Software Protection Techniques Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (249-253) University of Bridgeport CT, USA 2007
17. Sumbul Khawaja, Prof. Dr. Asadullah Shah, Kamran Khawaja Alternate Paradigm for Navigating the WWW Through Zoomable User Interface (417-420) Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (417-420) University of Bridgeport CT, USA 2007
18 Hameedullah Kazi Diverse and Robust Tutoring System for Medical Problem-Based Learning. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Computers in Education Hiroshima, Japan. November, 2007 5 Days
19 Hameedullah Kazi, Peter Haddawy, Siriwan Suebnukarn Enriching Solution Space for Robustness in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Computers in Education Hiroshima, Japan. November, 2007 5 Days
20 Hameedullah Kazi Reasoning in a Medical Tutoring System Using UMLS Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA July, 2007 3 Days
21 Hameedullah Kazi, Peter Haddawy, Siriwan Suebnukarn Towards Human-Like Robustness in an Intelligent Tutoring System. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA July, 2007 3 Days
22 Mutee-u-Rehaman, Riaz A. Memon, Asadullah Shah First Order Predicate Calculus and Urdu Semantics Proceedings of the Conference on Language and Technology (CLT07) University of Peshawar August 7- 11, 2007 4 Days
23 Kamran Khowaja, Sumanta Guha Visual Agent Programming (VAP): An Interactive System to Program Animated Agents 12th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Beijing, China 22-27 July, 2007 1 Week
24 Sumbul Khawaja, Asadullah Shah and Kamran Khowaja Alternate Paradigm for Navigating the WWW Through Zoomable User Interface (Poster Paper) 12th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Beijing, China 22-27 July, 2007 1 Week
25 Nazish Nawaz Hussaini and Prof. Asadullah Shah Affects Upon Urdu And Sindhi Language Perceptions Using Codebook
Based Digital Speech Compression
Shaikh Ayaz Conference on Language Literature University of Sindh, Jamshoro 10.January, 2007 1 Day
26 Amber Baig, Asadullah Shah, Muhammad Iqbal Bhatti Measures of Perceptual Sensitivities of Spoken Urdu Language Shaikh Ayaz Conference on Language Literature University of Sindh, Jamshoro 10.January, 2007 1 Day
27 Sumbul Khawaja, Asadullah Shah & Sana Rajar Charter Order Models in Sindhi Language & Their exploitation in Compression Techniques Shaikh Ayaz Conference on Language Literature University of Sindh, Jamshoro 10.January, 2007 1 Day

Research Papers Published By Faculty Members in National Journals

Sr # Name of Author Title of Paper Name of Journal Vol. Date Page Number
1 Jibran Ahmed Memon Evaluation of Steganography for urdu/Arbic Tent Journal of theoretical & Applied Information Vol. 4 No. 3 March 2009 232-237
2 Dr. Khalida Jamali Historical prospective the case for provincial autonomy. Biannual Research Journal Grassroots No. XXXVIII Dec 2008 59-73
3 Mutee-ur-Rehman Partial Word Order Syntax of Urdu/Sindhi and Linear Specification Language Journal of Independent Studies and Research Volume 5, Number 2, July 2008 13-18
4 Prof. Dr. Iqbal Ahmed Panhwar Effective e-business technologies for improving Biannual Research Journal Grassroots No.XXXVII June 2008 39-51
5 Aasma Ghani Steganography: A new horizon for safe communication through XML Journal of theoretical & Applied Information Vol. 4 No. 3 March 2008 187-202
6 Marvi Shaikh Pakistan Korea Trade Economic Similarities and Dissimilarities: A Comparative Study Asia Pacific, A Journal Research of far East & South East Asia Volume 26, 2008 2008 110-126
7 Muhammad Ayoob Shaikh Motivation: A Significant Stimulating Power in Managing Business Journal of business Strategies Vol.2, Number 2, 2008 107-120
8 Nazish Nawaz Hussaini Codebook Based Digital Speech Compression Journal of Independent Studies and Research Volume 5, Number 2, July 2007 2-6
9 M.Muneeb Memon On the-fly Sub key generation for blow Fish Cryptographic Algorithm New Horizons
Journal of the Institution of Electronics Engineers Pakistan
56 April to June 2007 41-44
10 Sumbul khawaja Analysis of Traffic Load on Low Bit Rate Channel Using Variable Bit rates New Horizons
Journal of the Institution of Electronics Engineers Pakistan
55 January to March 2007 13-17
11 Dr. Muhammad Ayoob Shaikh What Pakistan Needs for Carrying Out Favorable Exports Biannual Research Journal Grassroots No.XXXV, 2007 35-46
12 Abdul Subhan Kazi Impact of Fertilizers on the Economy of Pakistan: An analytical Study from 1990-03 Biannual Research Journal Grassroots No.XXXV, 2007 159-180
13 Marvi Shaikh Significance of Well Performing Saving Paradigm for Undeveloped Countries Biannual Research Journal Grassroots No.XXXV, 2007 200-212
14 Noreen Hassan Pakistan- Malaysia Bilateral Trade and Investments Asia Pacific, A Journal Research of far East & South East Asia Volume 25, 2007 2007 164-178
15 Muhammad Ayoob Shaikh Pakistan – Loas Economic and Trade Relations Asia Pacific, A Journal Research of far East & South East Asia Volume 25, 2007 2007 133-147
16 Muhammad Ayoob Shaikh Educational Approach to Character Building: A Paradigm Shift Journal of Management & Social Sciences Volume 3, Number 2 2007 105-119
17 Dr.Iqbal Ahmed Pahnwar Education is a key to Solve Development Crises of Pakistan The Sindh University Journal of Education XXXV, 2005-06 71-79
18 Dr.Iqbal Ahmed Pahnwar Dropout in primary School: Various Factors and Analysis The Sindh University Journal of Education XXXV, 2005-06 49-58